10 Things Bellydancers Can Enjoy in Lockdown

Dear Bellydancers in covid-19 lockdown, here are 10 things you can do that can be fun and productive! 1. GET MUSICAL: Sort Out Your Music Playlists Group your lists into various playlists - these could be grouped as: rhythms, orchestral compositions, taqsim, drum solos, folkloric music, pop, and a variety of cultural or regional styles & genres. And then make some teaching, performance or simply favourites or easy listening lists. 2. GLAMOURIZE YOUR COSTUME WARDROBE : Organise, Mend or Update Costumes Organise all your costumes and accessories, plus the fabric and decorations you’ve been collecting for years! Mend any costumes that need fixing and consider making some updates to existing costumes or hip scarves. 3. BUILD A VIDEO WATCH-LIST: Keep a Video File of Great Bellydance Videos Simply copy and paste youtube or vimeo urls into a word document, with a bit of info about your favourite dancers and their clips. If you sort these into groups, you’ll have a great refere...