Why Returning to the Basics is Essential to Your Dance Practice

Bellydance is getting more complex. In just a few short decades, the artistic expression of an art with age-old cultural roots and ethos, has changed dramatically, reflecting the rapidly moving undercurrents of our new world. Movements are faster, choreographies are tighter and there seems to be an unspoken pressure on dancers to meet a certain criteria - one that would leave some of the world’s most famous Golden Era bellydancers lacking in the technical arena. Yes, times have changed and although the dance has evolved and branched out into new theatrical realms, bellydancers around the world have been expressing concerns about a pervasive sense of dissatisfaction, resulting in the type of frustration and internal conflict that can gradually erode one’s sense of artistic worth and self esteem. We know that bellydance is not an exacting art, and that traditionally, enjoyment, sensuality and self-expression were at its core. So how do you, as a ...