What is Somatics and how can it Benefit Bellydancers?

' Soma' is derived from the Greek word σ ῶ μα , meaning 'the Living Body’ Somatics is a field of body-mind inquiry that allows the body's innate intelligence to guide movement for a deeper, more conscious awareness and experience of the moving body. At its core, Somatics is mindful movement. Sensory terms that are used in Somatics, to identify various areas of heightened awareness are: Interoception - awareness of sensations within the body; Exteroception - sensitivity to stimuli outside of the body; Proprioception - awareness of the body’s position and movement in space; Graviception - how the body connects with, or senses, gravity. In Somatic practices, ‘embodiment’ is a term often used, and with it comes a sense of richness and fulfilment. Somatics is more about the ‘noticing’ than the judging of movement – as this is when patterns of resistance and flow can be identified. From this authentic space the truth of the b...